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Feb 11, 2023 1 min read

Hi-Fi Rush May Be Teasing The Evil Within 3 with an Easter Egg

It looks like Tango Gameworks may be teasing a new entry in the popular survival horror franchise The Evil Within. As reported by GamesRadar, there is an Easter Egg in their recently released game Hi-Fi Rush that hints at the possibility of a sequel. In a cinematic that plays before Track 11: The Needle Drop, there is a screen visible for less than a second that says "Sequel to popular survival horror game franchise announced." This could just be a nod to the franchise, or it could be an exciting announcement.

It's about time we get a 3 added to The Evil Within series. It's been 6 years

Tango Gameworks released The Evil Within 2 in 2017 and, according to our review, it was an intense and thrilling experience. If they are indeed teasing a sequel, fans of the franchise will likely be looking forward to what they have in store. While Uncharted 3 had an Easter Egg that teased The Last of Us, this one could be the real deal and it will be interesting to see what comes of it.

James Brinkerhoff
James Brinkerhoff
I'm a gamer, developer, and creator. I create content on games, life, and the steam deck on here, Games Revealed & Th3Brink YouTube channels. visit for more.
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